Project: Marketing 21 - Portimão
Team: Fernando Perna (Geral Coord.), Maria João Custódio (Methodological Analysis, Strategy and Marketing), Pedro Gouveia (Econometrics and Statistics), Vanessa Oliveira (Marketing e Technoscientific Support), Pedro de Almeida (Consultant) e Paulo Neves (Consultant).
Contracting party: Municipal Council of Portimão
Completion deadline: 2008/2009


Conferência Internacional de Marketing Places: 24 de Junho de 2009


Cathy Parker
The Making, Management and Marketing Places - A Partnership Approach

Maria João Custódio e Fernando Perna
A Economia do Turismo e o PProcesso de Formação de Imagem dos Destinhos - O caso de Portimão

Philip Kotler
Portimão International Conference on Marketing Places

Seppo Rainisto
How to Brand Places - Place Branding as a Success Factor

Support Documents:

Report 1 PEMKTP - Evolução demográfica do Concelho de Portimão

Report 2 Audit Places Contribution

Rumo ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável - Uma estratégia participada, acções a implementar

Rumo ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável - Uma visão integrada, uma estratégia de todos

Cidadania Activa

Portimão - Perfil do Turista de Verão 2008


Institute of Place Management

Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Marketing

Imagens de Marca

Place Branding and Public Democracy

Journal of Place Management and Developing

IMPACTUR – Indicadores de Monitorização da Actividade Turística

Câmara Municipal de Portimão

American Marketing Association

European Marketing Confederation

Meritleader – Specialist in Place Branding


Executive Summary:

Following the principle stated throughout the development process of the Local Agenda 21 for the Portimão Municipality, the findings do not constitute an end in itself but rather a tool in achieving "directions and defining concrete measures towards a sustainable development trajectory." In developing these new directions, two parallel projects are taken up, centred respectively on the concepts of sustainability and competitiveness, with an innovative characteristic approach desired for Portimão, the scale of which represents a region with a distinctive dynamic.

As such, this study underpins two simultaneous dynamic processes: the implementation and monitoring of the Local Agenda 21 – for Portimão and the development of a Territorial Marketing plan for the Municipality.

The implementation and monitoring of the Local Agenda 21 –for Portimão centres on the concern of supervising and supporting strategic management and actions of the Local Agenda 21 – (published April 25th, 2007). The main objectives include monitoring costs, sources of funding and regimented timetable/workplan of the 20 priority actions suggested in the Local Agenda 21, as well as developing a monitoring system of these actions into a coherent overall perspective.

On the other hand, the Territorial Marketing Plan for Portimão focuses on establishing a strategic planning model which favours and develops economic activities in the region (and in time), with a perspective on quality life enhancement of residents and appeal to visitors, in this way promoting a more favourable image.

In this context, analysis and vision of residents, tourists and main economic sectors are central to strategic development in terms of desired long term commitments. Diagnosing the various activity sectors of the council, when taking into consideration its citizens, businesses, the government and visitors represent other important aspects. The establishment of a vision through active involvement, and strategies and objectives for the region are formulated by taking into account the objectives of various agents, as well as the positioning, actions and resources needed for its implementation.