Project:Economic and Tourism Impact of Development Scenarios of Recreational Boating in Marinas and Recreational Harbours in Docapesca Jurisdiction Area
Team: Fernando Perna (Coordinator), Maria João Custódio and Vanessa Oliveira
Contracting party: Docapesca
Completion deadline: 2015/16

Executive Summary:

The study is produced under funding from Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, SA in contract with the University of Algarve - School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism. Its ultimate goal is the development of economic impact assessment of scenarios and potential development strategies for recreational boating in Marinas and Ports in the jurisdiction of the company from north to south mainland Portugal.

This includes the characterization summary of the “starting point” in terms of supply and demand, the identification of the services currently provided, observation of the phenomenon of seasonality that nautical tourism is not oblivious, the growth prospects of demand and supply of moorings and strategic positioning that can single out scenarios and their impacts. Between the identification of the current situation and estimate of the potential of the “finishing point”, the study seeks to trace and systematize a set of knowledge to support the development strategies of recreational boating as a tourism product. Many of these options are already present on the territory, but if integrated with evidence of complementarities by diversification, this can boost the destinations for a production and services network that may have very interesting multiplier effects on local economies and tourism and, by extension, in other sectors of activity.

Reports (in Portuguese):
Estudo sobre o Impacto Económico e Turístico de Cenários de Desenvolvimento da Náutica de Recreio nas Marinas e Portos de Recreio na Área de Jurisdição da Docapesca:
Relatório 1
Relatório 2