Project: Destination Image and Economic Impact Evaluation by Albufeira visitants during the New Year's festivities 2007/2008, Easter 2008 and summer 2008
Team: Fernando Perna (coord.), Maria João Custódio, Pedro Gouveia, Vanessa Oliveira, Amir Ali, Susana Vieira.
Contractor: Câmara Municipal de Albufeira (Albufeira Municipality)

Short description:

This study aims to identify the destination’s economic profile and image perceived by the visitant of Albufeira during the New Year’s festivities of 2007/28, Easter of 2008 and summer of 2008. Appealing to evaluation methodologies developed by the CIITT, this project will undertake an extensive use of bilingual questionnaires (Portuguese and English), as well as Spanish if needed to. As final output this study will be a balance between the municipality investment in these events and the economic benefits generated on the council by each event visitants.